Source code for socialauth.authentication

import jwt

import socialauth.providers
from . import InvalidUsage

def validate_provider(provider):
    return provider in (

[docs]def http_get_provider(provider, request_url, params, token_secret, token_cookie = None): '''Handle HTTP GET requests on an authentication endpoint. Authentication flow begins when ``params`` has a ``login`` key with a value of ``start``. For instance, ``/auth/twitter?login=start``. :param str provider: An provider to obtain a user ID from. :param str request_url: The authentication endpoint/callback. :param dict params: GET parameters from the query string. :param str token_secret: An app secret to encode/decode JSON web tokens. :param str token_cookie: The current JSON web token, if available. :return: A dict containing any of the following possible keys: ``status``: an HTTP status code the server should sent ``redirect``: where the client should be directed to continue the flow ``set_token_cookie``: contains a JSON web token and should be stored by the client and passed in the next call. ``provider_user_id``: the user ID from the login provider ``provider_user_name``: the user name from the login provider ''' if not validate_provider(provider): raise InvalidUsage('Provider not supported') klass = getattr(socialauth.providers, provider.capitalize()) provider = klass(request_url, params, token_secret, token_cookie) if provider.status == 302: ret = dict(status = 302, redirect = provider.redirect) tc = getattr(provider, 'set_token_cookie', None) if tc is not None: ret['set_token_cookie'] = tc return ret if provider.status == 200 and provider.user_id is not None: ret = dict(status = 200, provider_user_id = provider.user_id) if provider.user_name is not None: ret['provider_user_name'] = provider.user_name return ret raise InvalidUsage('Invalid request') # pragma: no cover